Impressions from the breathtaking Algarve coast of Portugal taken on Kodak Gold with my Pentax ME.

It is funny, but for some weird reason, I never felt drawn to Portugal. I don’t know why; it just never really grabbed my attention. But this shall be set to change very soon. In 2017 I have been living for half a year in Seville, and a change of scenery just seemed like a fantastic idea. So why not explore the close-by Algarve coast?
Bart and I hired a car and drove to Aljezur. A charming fisher’s town in the South-West of the country. We rented a tiny wooden cottage form the most welcoming Belgian couple. It was perfect: The trees in the backyard, the hammocks swinging underneath pine trees, the tranquility, the sound of nature, the tiny outdoor kitchen… I could go on forever. During the day we packed our silver Peugeot and explored the surroundings.
It felt truly magical. How could this place be so beautiful? How could I have known so little about the Algarve? Regardless, one thing was sure, I never wanted this spark to fade away. We both felt completely absorbed by the breathtaking appearance of this region. Untouched beaches like paintings on canvas, sunsets like the sun’s fiery kisses, VW bullies along the coast like tiny colorful flowers… It felt like freedom.
This shall be the beginning of a beautiful love story. Thank you for making me fall in love with you, Portugal. Enjoy the gallery and let yourself indulge in a Portuguese dream with me.